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A partnership of domestic abuse services providing a response in Essex

Essex Domestic Abuse Helpline:

Helpline available from 8 am to 8 pm weekdays and 8 am to 1 pm weekends.
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How we help our clients


Sophie was referred for support after calling our helpline. During this initial call, Sophie had been assessed to be at risk of harm having recently ended her relationship with her partner.


Sophie advised that following the birth of her daughter six years ago, her ex had physically assaulted her and displayed controlling behaviours. She was granted a non-molestation order (NMO), and an appointment was made with Community Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) at Safe Steps. Sophie explained the impact of the abuse on both her and her daughter detailing what she had witnessed over several incidents.


A safety and support plan was discussed and agreed upon but a further incident occurred with the ex who breached the NMO. The risk level was changed to high risk.

Safe Steps made referrals into MARAC and CSPOC but Sophie was fearful of Social Care involvement and was reluctant to update professionals. The IDVA worked alongside Sophie explaining the roles of each agency, as well as pros and cons of each.


We worked alongside Social Care in helping Sophie to trust professionals. Furthermore, we discussed the impact of abuse on children and parenting should the situation continue. The IDVA completed work around identifying abusive behaviours, improving self-esteem and implementing healthy boundaries. A Fledglings (child and young person recovery service at Safe Steps) referral was discussed with Sophie for further work around parenting and specialist support for her daughter. Sophie reports since engaging with her IDVA her relationship with her daughter has improved, and she feels she is more ‘in control’. Sophie has since reported breaches of the NMO to the police, and her ex was arrested.



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